April 5, 2012

New Study Setup

My Babies' New Study Setup assembled by MaMa. :P

We have a lot of little tables and stools for Chloe and Clarisse, they are all Plastic which is very light. Whenever they exert their little tiny strength, the tables and chairs move all over the place. Therefore, MaMa thought I should setup a sturdy tables and chairs for my babies, especially Chloe, so that Chloe can learns to write with a good posture. They were drawing, coloring, or writing ON THE FLOOR every day as the Plastic tables and chairs are not so comfortable. I hope this setup will encourage them to write and eat with a good posture. This Setup Cost:-
Rug - RM 78.00
Chairs - RM 49 x 2
Tables - RM 99.00 x 2
Assemble Fee - Price Less (:P)

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