It's almost a month since I last updated this MaMa Blog. MaMa is feeling kinda irresponsible for not being discipline enough to blog down every single moment of my princesses' growing up progress. The simplest thing like printing out every single blog and bind them up as a remembrance, regretfully, MaMa has yet to execute such simple task till date.
Anyway, it's time to clean up the cobwebbed blog and start my blogging routine once again. Daily? weekly? Blekkk... *keep my fingers crossed*
Let's starts with my darling Chloe.
Honestly, MaMa is losing the patience and totally lost when I am dealing with Chloe's tantrum. Her wild outburst of cry is driving me crazy, and she always let out a wail whenever she wants ANYTHING. God, MaMa tried to talk to her, let her know that if she wanted or needed something, all she needs to do is to "ASK", and definitely "CRY" will not work. Unfortunately, grandparents and my "soft-hearted MaMa ability" are my ultimate obstacles against my "teaching". Even now, it is rather uncomfortable for me to use the word "teaching" as I am totally failing my duty as a mother. I am not able to stop my girl from crying, all I did was letting her overpowered my patience and test my limit to the max which I ended up roaring at her in PUBLIC. I am not qualified to use the word "teach" or "guidance". It is torturing for me to hear her cry her lungs out and roll herself on the floor in order to fight for what she wants. Oh dear, sometimes, we have no choice and we just have to let her cry all she wants and disregard her uncontrollable outburst of her terrible tantrum. My mum said I was WORSE. Geezz... this is the most unwelcome COMMENT especially when I am trying to stop Chloe from crying. Imagine, if she understands it ALL that we converse, she would definitely not stop crying because she thinks that she can definitely outbeat her MaMa and gain control of me to get what she wants!!! Scary~~~!! It is definitely one of the biggest challenge in my life.
The initial part of schooling was kind of fun and interesting to Chloe. Gradually, she finds waking up in the morning is such a challenge that she cries almost every morning. The drama episodes carry on days after days, which my sis is starting to find Chloe a little annoying. Only when she is in a perfect mood with enough sleep, she would wake up willingly with a smiley face, declaring her pleasures of attending school. Her mood is like a lottery, MaMa can never guess it right! Fortunately, times have given me the power of learning, and MaMa is learning everyday on how to tame this wild little fella. I must upgrade my Patience "HP" to another level to gain more power to remain calm and wise.
Well, other than that, Chloe is still my darling. She is still such a loving and adorable child. She is learning a lot more songs from schools, Mrs. Zue complimented about her tiptop energy during the music class, she sings and she dances. I can't help to also check on her weakness which I could clearly notice from her drawings. Her peers are already coloring and able to fill up the blanks with colors, but Chloe is still not able to fill all the blanks up. She scribbled and scribbled with no motive to complete the coloring assignment. MaMa's bad again, because MaMa had never spent time with her putting pen on paper. What I need now is a set of good table and chairs that fit Chloe just right, so that she can write and draw with a good sitting posture. WHEN? Soon! IN NO TIME! NOW!
Okay, Let's take a look at my baby Clarisse.
MaMa feels ashamed as I am not dedicated enough in taking more pictures (or rather GOOD PICTURES) of my girls especially Clarisse. I must admitted it becomes a little inconvenient to carry along a DSLR when we go out as a family. FIRST, PAPA refuses to use my DSLR, and always nags at me for bringing such a BIG CHUNK out as he needs to be responsible for the DLSR. SECONDLY, I've got my hands full looking after two girls, I don't think I can handle the DSLR anymore. That's why, PaPa bought me a Lumix-5, but still we are always very occupied when we are with our demanding/spoilt girls. Eventually, our only camera is my pathetic iphone which 99% of the images are blurred. Sob Sob Sob... But better than nothing.
Clarisse is a tough girls. We hardly hear her cry like her Jie Jie (TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH WOOOOOOOD!!) Well, she cries sometimes just like all other babies when she wants to seek for more attention from us. MaMa used a lot of "COOL" to describe Clarisse previously, back then it was not easy to make her laugh or even smile. Now, MaMa can no longer use such word to describe her anymore. I have to use the word "SUNSHINE" "CHEERY" to describe her. She would grin cheerfully or laugh out loud with out little gesture. MaMa gives a smile to Clarisse whenever I got back from work, guess what?, she actually returns with a cheerful and cheeky little grin, running/hiding away from me to tempt to chase after her. Her big SMILE is always my BEST relaxation against my long day at work. She is SUNSHINE and like Chloe always says MAMA LIKES SUNSHINE! Love it!
I am not sure whether I mentioned this in my previous blog. Clarisse is picking up lots of words and she understands instruction very well. At times, she would act like an adult and tell Jie Jie not to cry! Hahaha... Ya... She is like Jie Jie, she loves to sing especially the ABC songs. She can counts one to ten. She is now in the self-service mode during our mealtime, she can handle all by herself. She is able to get up and down the stair all on her own (still, we have to be less than an inch away from her).
We never have any sleeping issues with Clarisse. She would start yawning at 9pm ON THE DOT, and Novi would get her ready for bed. By 9.30pm - 10pm, she should be sleeping soundly. Unlike JieJie, we have to fight to wake her up for school, and naturally we have to fight to make her sleep early. This is a cause and effect, sleeping late = lack of sleep = grumpy morning. Hahaha....
Shall continue tomorrow...