FINALLY, I can take a short breather from my hectic schedule. Busy Busy Busy is the only word that I can tell all my friends. So many things to accomplish but time is never enough. Yeah, others always said "SURE CAN, IF YOU CAN MANAGE YOUR TIME PROPERLY" - It is easier said than done.
Anyway, wanted to update so many events about Chloe, but I feel it is a little impossible to blog every single events now. It is so significant but yet it is so easy to forget as it is happening in daily life. Hmm..I am not too sure what am I talking about.....Hahaha..Anyway. Mental Blockage !!! Another way to put it is that MAMA IS VERY FORGETFUL!
I want to complain about CHLOE!
Chloe is gradually developing some bad behaviours; I am so so worried that it will be out of my control soon. I am not a control freak but I am trying my best to lead them to be a better person. Well, I am not saying that I am the BEST MUM or the BEST ROLE MODEL to my girls. But at least, there are some clear line on certain issue that I must clarify to them.
I am sort of losing my direction on how to guide my daughters. Or Should I say I never had a direction at all? Arghhh....
How naughty? How is it bothering me so much? To be honest, it is not a big issue but I am just a bit paranoid that I am not being a good Mama to guide them. I want to be the NICE Mama but yet strict. It is SO difficult to achieve, especially PAPA is always playing the LOVING PERSON role as MAMA is playing the STRICT & ANGRY role. Unfair! But what to do?
The things that I hate most is that she always spit her food. If she doesn't like it, she spit it out. I know is normal, even adult does it. But, she is spitting almost EVERYTHING including rice! She is being very temperamental. She can take this food at this time and can't at certain time. I have to feed her according to her MOOD! Geezzz.... I really dislike her spitting out her food especially knowing that she had eaten it before. For example, Chesse. Cheese is one of her favourite foods, but SOMETIMES she would spit out and discard the cheese. I have been trying so many times to let her know that NEVER SPIT OUT THE FOOD, if she really doesn't feel like it, tell MAMA properly. Don't spit out and throw away. The gesture of throwing away the food is making me crazy!!! I simply cannot accept my daughters throw food away (somemore premium food) when many other unfortunate children out there are struggling for hunger. Of course, I am not expecting a Two and Half years old child understand this, but my biggest CHALLENGE now is how can I STOP her from doing it.
All the while, I thought that Chloe is toilet trained!!! When she on nature's call, she would ask me to bring her to the toilet. Her diaper is always dry whenever we bring her out. She losing her control. She is peeing everywhere in the house sometimes. SOMETIMES is the thing that is bothering me. Why "sometimes" ??? She can tell you in the afternoon and not in the evening? How? How can I let her know that she MUST inform Mama or Kakak to bring her to the toilet?
Yesterday, I was drying my hair and Chloe was running about in the room. Suddenly, she stood quietly and not talking anymore. Then, I saw she actually peed on the floor and (I feel) she knew that I didn't like it and she knew that it was "wrong" and thus she kept quiet and dare not move about. I pointed the wet area and raised my voice a little "What Happened?". Chloe kept quiet. She knew what was going on and she didn't want to answer. I asked again "What Happened?" Then, her nose and eyes turn red & wet! Geezz..I didn't even scold her. Then, I asked her " Who's naughty?" She didn't say a word but started to sob. I had no choice, but to answer on behalf and told her repeat after me. "Chloe Shh Shh (pee) on the floor" "Chloe, Naughty" "Sorry, Mama"... CHALLENGE No 2 : how can I toilet trained Chloe in this case?
I was told by my grandma that Chloe is not longer sharing her toys with Abby (my best friend's daughter). She used to love Abby so much that she took out EVERYTHING and give to Abby. But, recently, Chloe would snatch whatever Abby takes from the box name it toys, books, blocks, dolls, bears etc. It is bad enough that she does not want to share, it makes it even worse when she snatched it and threw it aside! !@#$%^&* I didn't see it with my own eyes, and I was not there to actually let her know that it was WRONG to be selfish! I tried to bring up the events to Chloe, and she seems to understand what I was telling her because she recalled "Chloe pak (smack) Abby, Abby cry." It means she remembered what she did, but my CHALLENGE No 3 : How teach her how to share ?
Geeszz...many many more Challenge and I have no directions how to tune all these issue back to normal. Why I said normal? Chloe used to be very sharing. She loved sharing. Chloe used to be toilet trained and she was proud of it too. Chloe used to be very good girl, never picked her food, and she will take all food that I feed her including avocado, vegetables etc.
Help!!!! What should I do?
I am not sure whether it is a good way to punish her? My concern is whether she understands why am I punishing her. Is she too young? or am I underestimating her?