*Yeah...This post is about a week delay * :P
Last Friday, I went to have dinner with my 3 pretty friends to celebrate CC's birthday at the KL Hilton's Sudu Restaurant. Everyone of us knew this place is not cheap but we didn't mind to pay for good food especially when DESSERT BUFFET is involved. Anyway, we thought how bad could it be for a such a RENOWNED 5 Star Hotel. UNEXPECTEDLY, it turned out to be very disappointing. Not only the food choice was not up to our expectation, the quality of food served was also not up to 5 star standard.
We were busy chatting and I did not manage to take any pictures of the food nor our pretty faces. Yes, Imagine 4 ladies - One Pregnant, One Getting Married, One Preparing to Get Pregnant, One Modern & Career-Minded KL-Lite. All sorts of topics come out. Oh, One of the hottest topic was actually "Lasik". J actually went for Lasik and she actually told us how amazing it was, easy procedure, hassle-free, pain-free; and she explained to us how happy she is now with PERFECT vision. J was convincing CC to give it a try, at least go and test whether she is "eligible" to go for Lasik or not. Hey, I didn't know, there is a criteria to do LASIK. For example, People with Lazy eyes cannot go for Lasik treatment.
What's lazy eyes - ah ha... here you go... I goggled it and poor eye sight cannot be corrected by glasses or contact lens. The brain, for some reason, does not fully acknowledge the images seen. This usually affect one eye but my reduce the vision in both eyes. Get it? Haha....
Anyway, back to CC - the birthday girl - she refused to even go for the test because she explained to us that she can't bear the pain (yes, even though J told her that she didn't feel a thing at all during the whole procedure). Anyway, we ended the Lasik topic and continue our journey on searching of good food on the buffet table.
We ordered 4 main dishes, One Tuna, One Padi-Padi Fillet, One Chicken and One Duck. They were all NO GOOD! Well, I accepted the fact that the food was not fantastic.
The surprise hit us when we paid our Parking Ticket. Guess!!!!!!! I was there at 7pm and we left at 1am. Guess what? The bill was...."dang dang dang dangggggg" RM30.00 for my Parking Fees. We were terrified with our own Parking Bill as we came in FOUR CARS. Means We paid TOTAL of RM 120.00 just to park inside KL Hilton.
I told myself Hilton KL - No More!